Privacy Policy

Personal Information Protection Policy

Recognizing the importance of personal information protection, our company and consolidated subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "our group") have established the following policy to ensure the proper use, provision, and management of personal information. This policy is communicated to all executives and employees to ensure the protection of personal information.

1. Company Name, Address, and Representative Name

Eltes Co., Ltd.
Kasumigaseki Building 6F, 3-2-5 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6006
Takahiro Sugawara, President and Representative Director

2. Collection of Personal Information

Our group collects personal information only within an appropriate scope and provides clear notification to users regarding its intended use on our website, etc.

3. Use of Personal Information

Our group will not utilize personal information beyond what is necessary to accomplish the purposes listed in the Purposes of Personal Information Usage list.

4. Safety Management Measures for Personal Information

Our group implements necessary and appropriate safety management measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information. We also ensure necessary and appropriate supervision of employees and contractors (including subcontractors) who handle personal information.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Our group will not disclose users' personal information to third parties without their consent, except as required by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other relevant laws and regulations.

6. Outsourcing of Personal Information

When our group entrusts the processing of personal information, whether in full or in part, to a third party, we will establish agreements, such as memorandums on personal information protection, with the third party. Moreover, we will ensure that the third party handles the personal information securely and in accordance with appropriate standards.

7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Our group is committed to sincerely complying with all relevant laws, regulations, and other norms concerning the protection of personal information.

8. Shared Use of Personal Information

Our group will jointly use the collected personal information as follows:

① Items of personal information for shared use:
Name, company name (organization name), department name, job title, email address, phone number, workplace, inquiry content, company website URL, resume, and work history.

② Scope of shared users:
Our group companies, such as AIK Co., Ltd.

③ Purpose of use:
The purposes listed in the "Purposes of Personal Information Usage" as mentioned in section 3 above.

④ Responsible party for the management of personal information:
Our company will be responsible for the management of shared personal information. Our address and representative are as stated in section 1 above.

⑤ Contact point for inquiries:
Eltes Co., Ltd. (Contact:

9. Improvement and Modification of This Policy

Our group will continuously review and improve the contents of this Personal Information Protection Policy.

10. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information

Our group has established a contact point ( for inquiries. If a user requests to view, correct, suspend use, or delete their personal information, we will promptly respond within a reasonable scope after confirming the user's identity through the prescribed procedures.